Monday, September 28, 2009

The Flat: Before and After

This is our building.

Ewan and Isaac's Room BEFORE

Ewan and Isaac's Room AFTER

Dining Room BEFORE

Dining Room AFTER

Living Room BEFORE

Living Room AFTER

Hallway BEFORE (part 1)

Hallway BEFORE (part 2)

Hallway AFTER

Our Bedroom BEFORE

Bedroom AFTER--My wardrobe. Jon's is next to mine with all his clothes in it. Those sweater hangers are amazing. I really didn't think all my clothes would fit in this wardrobe...but they do.

Bedroom AFTER (My workspace)

Our Bedroom AFTER

Graham's room AFTER I didn't have any before pictures of his room. It is still rather plain but will have more of a look over time. We gave him the biggest room because the desk in our bedroom is attached to the wall and I needed the workspace. We thought it might make a nice guest area in addition to a play area.

Bathroom--It is hard to tell in the picture but the tub is fairly high off the ground. We are working on putting up a shower curtain because the glass "door" causes a leak all over the bathroom floor.

1st half of the kitchen. Notice the mini fridge. Somehow it works--a lot of food packages come in smaller portions here which helps everything to fit in the fridge.

2nd half of kitchen


Heather C said...

Great job Amelia! Everything looks great!
I was always amazed at what was considered a shower door in European bathrooms. Are you kidding me?

The Herd said...

Amazing!!! Looks a lot like a Russian place--post remodeling! Love the washing machine in the kitchen...ours is in our bathroom.

Dawn said...

That long hallway brings back a ton of memories when I lived in Prague. So, so similar.

Mimi said...

What a transformation!!! The apartment looks great -- much newer and fresher looking than I had imagined in my mind. We are so happy for you .... and can't wait to come and visit. Love,

Monica said...

You have some good space. I am impressed how you've arranged everything and made it look homey. Love that you have some color on the walls in the living room. And a good hallway, which is great for kid-traffic on rainy days. We do lots of car races on our make-shift hallway. :-) Thanks for letting me picture where you are. *hugs*

mamabrown said...

You did a terrific job with your new apt. Looks great(and homey too) and looks like you will have no trouble finding space for the boys to play in the apt. Also, do I remember you telling me about a common area in the building for a meetings/play area? I was amazed at your looks small compared to what we are used to in US but with smaller pckging, it makes sense that you can have smaller spacein which to keep things. I am sure it is economical to operate as well. I like being able to picture you at home. Feel better that you have such a bright and airy looking living space. Heavy furniture would overwhelm the space. So, it looks really functional and cute too.