Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Graham 9 months old

Okay, so Graham turned 9 months old on June 3rd. I don't have a paper with all his info on it so I have to improvise with this months picture a little bit.

Jonathan Graham Antonius Parker
9 Months Old
22# 4 oz.
? " long

LOVE this picture of Ewan and Graham together!

Within the last few weeks, Graham has started pulling up, feeding himself, sleeping longer (we are working on 12 hours), babbling like crazy, and popped 2 upper teeth. He has begun to crawl a little on his hands and knees but prefers the army crawling he started when he was 7 months old. He actually has some skin rubbed off on his feet where he pushes off with them as he scooches on the floor.

I have to add lots of stain cleaners to the laundry because the tummy part of his shirt gets really dirty with our hardwood floors. The trains here haul coal back and forth on the railroad and coal dust gets EVERYWHERE. So, it doesn't matter how often I clean the wood floors he will still get coal dust and dirt on his shirts.

He is not a pro at pulling up to his feet yet but he can do it if he wants to. I'll have to get a picture of how he pulls up on the stairs and tries to play. Let's just say that the way he likes to pull up and play leads to collapsing with a head bonk on the floor. It doesn't deter him too much though.
I have eliminated his 3rd nap and he is getting used to staying awake for longer stretches during the day. I know it will make life easier to have a longer time in the afternoon to get some errands done or go on a fun adventure but he tends to get a little grumpy and I am trying to figure out how to include him at our dinner time in the evenings since he usually needs to be in bed between 6 and 6:30. In order to give him time to get on jammies and final nursing/bottle I think it means I need to start dinner around 5pm instead of 5:30 or 6. That is a little difficult for now but I am trying to adjust.

Just when you think you got it down something inevitably changes!


Dawn said...

Aw, that's such a GREAT picture of Ewan & Graham together! I love the little b-ball outfit. Eli also got the tops of his feet rubbed real good when he started crawling like crazy. Tonight he started trying to take steps back & forth between me & Dave! He was holding our hands the whole time, but it's progress. I can't believe Graham's already 9 mos. old. Time is flying!!

Sharon M said...

All of Culacha's clothes are stained on the feet and the knees from the dust here. It's SOOOO frustrating b/c we need to have windows open to keep the house cool, but all the dust blows in and creates a huge mess. I have to sweep the house like every other day (Culacha is our daughter's nickname. Our son used to sing "La Cucarracha" to her but he can't say "cucarracha," just "culacha").

mamabrown said...

Beautiful pictures of Graham and Ewan. So very sweet, makes me reach for tissues to dab my eyes -- the boys are so adorable. Just a dotty ol' grandma...tearing up everytime I see pictures of the grandbabies... babies are so delicious. I must go and get some more things done. I am so glad I took a little time to check my e-mail so I could get another look at the precious grandsons!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. What a ball full of joy! And proud big brother, too. You really should frame that one. I'm thankful for your posts because it makes me feel a little closer to all of you. Picturing the boys in the backyard, Jon getting buzzed by a daddy dove, you planting your placenta...I'm glad to share in some of those memories, if only through words and pictures. *hug*