Graham is 4 and a half months old now and is as cute as ever! This morning he started blowing raspberries which was a fun discovery for him. He has been battling a fever since Sunday night, thankfully with no other symptoms but he has not been his usual happy self. So when he started blowing raspberries I was hopeful that maybe he is getting better and won't be miserable from a 103 temperature.
What does a baby wear to stay warm on a stroller walk in 20-something degree weather while it is lightly snowing?
I think Graham was the warmest of all of us by far :).
What a precious picture! Love seeing the baby bundled sweet. Can't wait to get some grandma time with Graham, Isaac and Ewan! Such good boys, all of them...
(upon seeing top picture) "Awwwwwww...that's a sweet picture!" -Miriam
And we agree that precious boy looks a little like a snowman in picture number two. ;-)
Such handsome boys you have, Amelia! And what a beautiful mother you are.
love and hugs all around,
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